Viola Elementary Quiz Bowl participated in a tournament at Ozarka College in Melbourne yesterday. We've had a fun year of Quiz Bowl and can't wait until next year!
9 months ago, Rachel Stone
elementary quiz bowl
elementary quiz bowl
Today's softball game at Norfork has been moved to Viola because of last nights rain. The game here at Viola will start at 4 pm.
9 months ago, Jason Hughes
Viola kindergarten graduation will be May 14, at 5:30. Sixth grade graduation will be on May 14, as well, but at 6:30. Both graduations will be in the gym.
9 months ago, Wade Powell
We will honor our senior baseball and softball players, along with their families Tuesday, April 16th at 4:30 pm. Athletes and parents will be recognized on the softball field before the conference softball game with West Side. At this time, no baseball game is scheduled for that date.
9 months ago, Jason Hughes
Due to inclement weather, today's baseball game has been postponed till tomorrow.
9 months ago, Ryan Walker
Thank you so much for the donations to Viola School Nurse's office! Very much appreciated by our students!
9 months ago, Debbie Kinder RN
Seniors and parents of seniors! Don't forget to come to FAFSA night to get your FAFSA completed if you haven't already! It will be on Thursday, April 11th from 3-6pm in the high school.
9 months ago, Rachel Stone
Fafsa night
March Madness from the Second Graders! Competing from the Westside bracket is the series of Skippyjon Jones. Competing From the Eastside bracket are Robert Munsch books! The final championship vote landed between Skippyjon Jones Snow What and Love you Forever by Robert Munsch. Skippyjon Jones Snow What wins!! 🏆🏆
10 months ago, Misha Rains
March Madness
Gifted and Talented files from students who graduated in 2018 and 2019 will be cleared out. If you'd like your files, please contact Ms. Stone at the high school before May 1st.
10 months ago, Rachel Stone
Required vaccines for Kindergarten students. If you child is exempted from vaccines , you need to supply exemption papers to the school.
10 months ago, Debbie Kinder RN
Mechanically Challenged will be competing this week in Kenner, LA at the Bayou Regional FIRST® Robotics Competition. See the news article for more details. Here are some links regarding this week's regional tournament: ; . Thursday will be a work day, where the team will be working on getting the robot ready for competition and practicing for the qualification matches beginning on Friday morning, with the championship tournament on Saturday afternoon. Here is the link to watch on Friday and Saturday. (This link will be updated as necessary if it changes.)
10 months ago, Kevin Thrasher
Kenner Robotics Students
Kindergarten registration is coming up April 22,2024 and students will need to have their required vaccines before the 2024-2025 school year starts. FCHD will be available to give vaccines at their location in Salem April 22th and 23rd . They are also available by appointment any day before the school year starts. If you have questions concerning what vaccines your child needs ,please call FCHD at 870-895-3300. Thanks to the Fulton County Health Dept for providing this service free of charge for our children.
10 months ago, Debbie Kinder RN
The tennis/basketball courts behind the Viola School Gymnasium will be CLOSED through at least the end of this week. We are in the process of getting a permanent surface applied to the courts which will improve the appearance as well as help with traction on the court. Thank you for your patience as we make more improvements to our facilities.
10 months ago, Mr. May
courts are temporarily closed sign
REMINDER: Spring pictures will be taken tomorrow. Along with individual pictures, junior and senior high baseball, softball, and peewee basketball pictures will be taken. All athletes should bring their uniform to school.
10 months ago, Ryan Walker
Since temperatures are expected to drop considerably this afternoon, we are going to start today's softball double header with Rural Special at 3:30 pm. Hopefully, this will help get both games in before it gets too cold.
10 months ago, Jason Hughes
The High School GT students traveled to Harding on Friday night to watch Spring Sing. I'd say all the kids had a great time and enjoyed watching the creativity and talent of the performers!
10 months ago, Rachel Stone
group photo
group photo
kids by fountain
kids in Benson theater
Second graders put their knowledge to the test by designing a new school on their own!!They really dug deep and thought of some great improvements. (We were so involved in the project that we didn’t get many pictures)
10 months ago, Misha Rains
Bank of Salem came and presented "Ready, Set, Graduate" for the Seniors on Thursday. They learned about creating/using a budget, credit scores, loans, and how to write a check. Thankful for our community members teaching our kids!
10 months ago, Rachel Stone
students learning
mary harris presenting
Viola kindergarten registration will be on Monday, April 22, from 8:00 until 3:00. Any child who will be 5 by August 1 will be eligible to enroll. For more information and an appointment please call the elementary office at 870-458-2511.
10 months ago, Wade Powell
Spring Picture Day is next Wednesday April 3rd. Picture forms will be sent home with students and baseball, softball, and peewee pictures will be taken this day as well.
10 months ago, Ryan Walker