Just a reminder that tonight is Senior recognition night for the basketball teams. The brief ceremony will be between the two senior games. A voucher is required.
about 4 years ago, Larry Ivens
Yearbooks are currently on sale. The price is $35.00. Payment is due when the yearbook is ordered. You can either order them online at jostensyearbook.com or send an order form to Ms. Gracie at school.
about 4 years ago, Larry Ivens
Viola Elementary School students will be returning to school for on campus instruction on Tuesday. All buses will be running at normal times.
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
Upcoming Basketball Games Monday at Melbourne 5 pm start Jr and Sr girls only Tickets available at the door Tuesday vs Timbo 5pm start 2,3,4 Wednesday Sr Boys @ Greenwood Laboratory School, Springfield, MO Friday @ GFWS 5:00 pm start 2,3,4
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
Elementary students that need to get power supplies for chromebooks may do so in the elementary lobby after 10 am today. Please keep the power supply with the chromebook and return both together when school resumes next week.
about 4 years ago, Larry Ivens
Due to a high number of quarantined students and staff in the elementary school, Viola Elementary students will attend school virtually from home this week. --- Viola High School will be open for on campus instruction as normal. Buses will run to pick up high school students, but may be running a little later each morning this week, since elementary students will not be riding. ---- Staff members who are not quarantined need to report to work as usual on Tuesday.
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
This is just a reminder that the Viola School District will dismiss for Christmas break today, Friday, December 18, at the normal time. School will not resume until January 5th, 2021 at the normal time with buses running regular routes. On behalf of the Viola School District, I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.
about 4 years ago, Larry Ivens
All games tonight at Shirley have been postponed. A makeup date will be announced later.
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
There are three basketball games scheduled at Viola on Monday, December 21st. Jr Girls, Sr Girls, and Sr Boys vs. Greers Ferry West Side. (Vouchers are required.)
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
The Sr Boys will play two games at Jacksonville on Saturday. JV game will play first at 1pm.
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
This is a TEST message. If you know someone who did not receive this message that should have, please have the student’s guardian contact the Viola school secretary to request that contact information be updated in our database.
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
The band Christmas concert scheduled for this evening has been postponed.
about 4 years ago, Larry Ivens
There will be three teams playing tonight at the Longhorn Corral. We will NOT be clearing the gym as we did back in October. However, due to capacity restrictions, we ask that families consider leaving soon after there athlete's game is over, or waiting to arrive until their game is about to begin. This will help us to make room, while social distancing, for everyone who wants to watch their children's games.
about 4 years ago, Mr. May
The Viola School District will remain open for onsite learning between the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. We were officially notified yesterday that there are no plans for a statewide closure of schools. After Christmas, families will continue to have onsite and virtual options. However, we strongly recommend that students attend school in person, unless required to be quarantined. Because of masks and quarantine policies being implemented at school, research is suggesting that students attending school in person are less likely to contract COVID. Thank you for your patience and cooperation and have a great Thanksgiving!
over 4 years ago, Mr. May
This is just a reminder that due to the new 4-day week calendar, the Viola School District will dismiss today, Friday, November 20, at the regular time and will not resume classes again until Tuesday, December 1st at the regular time. As always, thank you for your support of the Viola School District.
over 4 years ago, Larry Ivens
This is a message about the new School Pantry food program. The Viola School District secured a grant to provide perishable and non perishable food items to our local families. Families whose children qualify for free and reduced meals can sign up for this program. If you did not receive a form, or need a new form, please contact the school office at 458-2323. You may sign up for this program at any time during the school year. Families will be required to pick up food boxes at school, during school hours.
over 4 years ago, Mr. May